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CPR Training as a pre-requisite

by TR Filbin
(Lexington, KY USA)

This question is not ACE-specific, but I believe applies to all Certs and if not, it should be...

If you live in a state where anything associated with personal health is regarded as 'optional knowledge', how do you locate something as simple as CPR training? I've done Google searches for CPR in my area and can't locate any classes. Even the American Heart Association tells me there are no training classes held here in Kentucky. Is there anyone that lives in the Central Kentucky area who can guide me to CPR Training in my vicinity?

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CPR Training
by: Kathy

Check with your local fire department to see about CPR training. We have it all over the place were I live but your local fire department may have staff that can certify your or can pointyou in the right direction. Another idea is to check with your local hospital.

CPR Training
by: Sharon Chamberlin


Contact your local Red Cross. They should be able to help.


Sharon Chamberlin
ACE-Certified Personal Trainer
NESTA Fitness Nutrition Coach
(513) 255-7027

I Agree, Check the Red Cross
by: Anonymous

I'm a personal trainer in Western, KY. I get my CPR and first aid training through the Red Cross. I describe myself as living in Podunk. When I first started my business I often had to explain what is was a personal trainer did. Yet, I've never had any trouble getting CPR certified. Just "google" Red Cross and the name of your town, and you should find a web site with a schedule of classes. My area usually has one at least once a month.

CPR in Lexington KY
by: Anonymous offers CPR, first aid classes, so does first response of the bluegrass both in lexington, ky

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