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I Passed the Test So I Cannot Get Double My Money Back!!!

by Elliot Zalayet
(Garden city Pk,New York)

I passed the NFPT test with a 952 out of 1000 points. I studied the NFPT course material for six weeks.I am 58 and have been exercising since I was 12 years old.I also studied the on line review course offered by Starting Your Own Personal Training Business. I studied and took the sample tests.Everytime I came across something I did not know I went to the internet and studied.

The NFPT course is very good.It gives you bare bones entry level knowledge.It presents the material in a simplified manner that takes the fear out of learning.The review course gave me an idea of what other Certification Organizations are asking.I studied the review tests until I could pass all of them.

When I went and read over the ACE course I purchased seven years ago I was able to follow the info much easier.So the simple lesson here is if you study the material you can eventually pass any of these tests.

It is a matter of wanting to learn.If you put in the time you will be rewarded.I highly recommend the Review course on this site.Good luck to all of you in your pursuit of knowledge.Elliot Zalayet.

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I didn't get my money back!

by Azhan
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Because I passed the ACE test on the first try.

What really surprised me about this course was how complete it was. I'm glad I came across this course because after studying the textbook, I thought I already knew and remembered everything but boy, was I wrong. After completing the quizzes in the course, I was able to identify the topics I was weak at. And after taking the quizzes multiple times, most of the information got stuck in my head

If a friend of mine wanted to take a trainer certification, I would definitely recommend him to get this course. At just under $33, what a bargain this is!

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Double Your Money Back Guarantee


I REALLY REALLY think that the 'double your money back' thing is a REAL GOOD PROMOTION TECHNIQUE!!!!!

Comments for Double Your Money Back Guarantee

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It has proven to be very effective
by: Katie - Admin

Hi Ralph,

You are right, the guarantee works wonders and can be applied to other business models (like a personal training business!).

We have been tracking our exam pass rates for a couple of years so we were able to estimate how many of these double refunds we would have to give. We gambled that the double your money back guarantee would give people the comfort to take a chance on our course. The extra revenue that it creates has more than offset the number of double refunds we have to issue.

The only downside is that it tends to set off that internal "too good to be true" alarm in some peoples heads. But once people recognize the massive amount of free content on this site, and how long we have been around, they usually feel comfortable taking a chance on us.

- Katie

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Double your money back guarantee is TRUE!

by Joey
(Piermont, NH)

I unfortunately did not pass the exam on the first try, I received a score of 487 so I was very close. However, I do want to confirm that the double your money back guarantee is true. Best of luck to all that take the exam.

Thank you Katie for your great service, although I did not pass the exam on the first try, your information was very helpful.

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What happens if I don't pass the Exam

by tim
(douglasville, Georgia)

If I don't pass the the real exam how will you know if I pass or not. Because I definitely want to purchase the online course, since it seems like a win win, but how do I know I get my money back if I don't pass?

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We refund your money (x2)
by: Katie - Admin

Hi Tim, in the event that you fail your exam, make sure you get a score report. You can email us a copy of your report along with your order number to us by replying to your order confirmation email. We will refund double your money.

Why can we do this? Because so few people fail after using our course.

We also let you continue to use the course as you study for the retest at no cost.

Of course, we ask that you allow sufficient time to use the course before taking your exam (21 days min). If you are consistently passing our course quizzes and final exam, then you are ready for the real thing.


ACE Test
by: Stephen Luptak

Will your product fully prepare me for the ACE personal trainer exam?

Yes it will
by: Katie - Admin


Our course has a very high pass rate for all the certification exams. We take a survey at the end of the course to track the overall effectiveness of the course. We have a lot of data showing the course works. In fact, our high pass rates were what lead us to offer the double your money back guarantee if you don't pass. We wouldn't be able to offer such a deal for long if the course wasn't so effective.

- Katie

by: Anonymous

I am studying for the ACSM CPT exam. I've heard this is the hardest. Will your exam prep help with the ACSM exam?

Course works for ACSM too
by: Katie - Admin

ACSM is definitely a tough test. And our pass rates are a little lower compared to other certs. But they are still high enough where we offer our double pass or don't pay guarantee.

- Katie

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Pass or Don't Pay Guarantee

ACE score report

ACE score report

I failed the ACE exam by one question. The site gave me a full refund for the course and let me keep using it. Personally, I thought the exam prep course was pretty good, I just folded under pressure. My score report shows that I blew it on program design. So I will focus more on this area and should pass on my second try.

Comments for Pass or Don't Pay Guarantee

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by: Anonymous

I hope your response on the guarantee is correct? I wasn't going to purchase it but am now considering doing so. If I fail and get refunded and they still let you use the study info then it is a win/win situation for that part of the expense.

Staying optimistic, I will pass.

But, I will now say, I am going to purchase this study packet.

Yes that is correct
by: Katie - Admin

For the people who fail their exam after taking our course we provide the double refund and let them continue to use the course. After all, we want you to pass the exam.

Keep in mind you must use our course for at least 21 days before taking your exam to qualify for the guarantee. This is not a last minute cramming tool.

- Katie

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