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Morrison Media's NCSF Study Guide

by Mike

Did anyone purchase Morrison Media's "Secrets to the NCSF-CPT Exam" book in conjunction with this prep course? I'm trying to figure out if that would be a smart purchase in terms of passing the test. Thanks.

Comments for Morrison Media's NCSF Study Guide

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Alternative to Morrison Media
by: Katie - Admin

Hi Mike,

We used to point people to the Morrison products a few years ago but we received a lot of poor feedback on the quality. We attempted to address these concerns on behalf of our readers with Morrison but they were non-responsive.

This was a major factor in our decision to create our own exam prep course. You may notice that we deliver twice as many questions at exactly half the price of Morrison. This was not an accident. You will also notice that Morrison doesn't offer any type of pass or don't pay guarantee like we do.

So I think you would be better served by saving your money and spending the extra hours taking our course and really studying the materials you get from NCSF. Our pass rates indicate that this approach is highly successful (which is the reason we can guarantee you will pass or double your money back).

- Katie

Thank you
by: Mike

Thank you very much for the informative response. Saving money is always a plus.

Morrison Media
by: Anonymous

I purchased the Morrison Material for CPT material, however, I did not find it helpful towards the exam, yes it's informative and the information is correct, but it does not pertain to the exam, as I also took the exam and only passed it halfway,in other words I didn't pass. I have found the Morrison material helpful in other areas of life, but not when it came to taking the NASM exam.

Morrison Media's study guides
by: Anonymous

the guides they provide are horrible, the are extremely repetitive. it seems they do this in order to fill the pages with useless info. I know how to take a test. i need the material not general testing guidelines.

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