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ACE EXAM easier than NSCA?

by Oxy

I have been studying the NSCA-CPT exam preparation course, but I did not pass my NSCA-CPT test just by 3 questions, now i have to wait 90 days till i can retake test.

Would it be reasonable for me to take the ACE test now without actually buying their preparatory course? Is it easier than the NSCA-CPT test?

Will appreciate if someone shares with me ACE TEST experience, Thank You!


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by: Chubs

I know what you're saying, but I've found that there's ALOT of differentiation between certification companies. I did NFPT several years ago and changed over to ACE, and the exams were night and day. Plus the ACE exam's no cakewalk. If you're not really prepared it'll leave you feeling stupid and 219 bucks poorer. Hope this helps.

Same Question: ACE vs. NSCA
by: LCC

I am wanting to get a certification quickly (already training, just want to say I'm certified) and have been studying for NSCA-CPT. OVerwhelming scientific section and I'm told it's one of the hardest. How much easier would ACE be at this point and then maybe go back and get NSCA? Are they too similar? I"m terrified I"ll fail NSCA and have to wait 90 days. Is there a good, reputable, EASIER one to get in the meantime?!
Thanks so much for any input ;-).

ACE exam is not easy!
by: Anonymous

The ACE PT exam is probably the toughest personal training exam in the nation! Anyone telling you that the exam is easy and that they didn't have to study hard is either a rare exception or they are lying. I have a bachelor's degree in health education, I have worked out for years, and I've lost 60 lbs on my own. I took and passed the ACE exam in October and it was the hardest exam I have ever taken. In order to pass, I had to put all of my effort and time in studying the materials. And you absolutely need to purchase all of those materials, including all of the practice exams!! Also, the ACE exam includes a simulation portion in which you are given 2 very difficult clients with very specific needs and you need to develop programs for those clients on the spot. This counts for 25% of your score! ACE is probably the most reputable personal training organization in the country, so it is definitely worth going for. But, expect 6 months of intense study to do well on the exam.

ACE was OK to me
by: Ron

It has been a while since I took the ACE exam. I was an ACE personal trainer when I first became a trainer. I am NCSA CSCS and ACSM HFS certified and both were brutal. The ACE exam wasn't a cake walk either as previously mentioned. I hear a lot of people say ACE is a joke now, but I still use my ACE book as a good reference book. It was less science based as compared to NSCA and ACSM, but it was descent to me. I am bias toward the big two though.

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