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Getting ACE Certified

I have always wanted to pursue a certification in Personal Training, however, due to other educational obligations, I've had to put that aside. I am now ready to pursue a certification in Personal Training and have heard that ACE is best for those like me (no experience in the field).

Should I go for it or do you think I should do some more research. I work full time and have not other obligations besides my M-F 9-5 job. I think I have a lot of time in my hands and would be able to complete the study program within the recommended 4 -6 mos timeframe.

My other question you recommend attending the workshop?

Thank you for your time, Great website. Thank you for providing so much of this information.

Pomi Assefa

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I know what you mean...
by: Tal

Posted: 4/9/10

I'm actually in the same boat as you. I grew up playing sports, a bit out of shape right now from a slight knee injury, but I'm in the gym like 4-5 times a week to get back where I need to be.

I am not sure how ACE's program compares to AFAA? Besides the obvious, more nationally recognized etc., I am interested in the actual program and will it make me an effective teacher of a class. I am interested in group fitness (such as step, kickboxing etc) and wasn't sure which path would be best?

I have college degrees (BA in Communications and MBA) but not in the fitness field and science is not my strongest subject but I am willing to put in the necessary studying for it. Any recommendations/suggestions for me would be awesome!

(P.S. Waiting for my money from taxes to come in and I'm ready to do this asap :) This website is quite informative and thank you Katie for it!

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