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Higher Education Commission

Please find out for me if the NCCA is recognized by the higher education commission, I have looked every where and I cannot find that NCCA is recognized by the US Education Department. I dont trust any organization that is not accredited or recognized by the US education Department.

I have contacted the Consumer affairs to find out if NCCA is recognized, they even sent a list by e-mail for all the accrediting agencies in the US. NCCA is not one of them.

So why all these organization claim they are accredited and they are not. just because a company opens up shop and start taking money to accredit certification agencies does not mean it is legit.

I rather be not certified or at least certified by professional athletes that know the game.

no thank you very much. yes you can publish this as much as you want. I hope all trainers read this.

Good luck

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by: Katie - Admin

The hard reality is that nobody accredits the accrediting agencies. And the NCCA charges large annual fees to each of the certs to keep their accreditation.

A big misconception about accreditation is that people often think the accreditation agency is endorsing the program as good. It actually is just saying the program meets their guidelines.

I personally think that there is too much emphasis on accreditation. There is no national accreditation or certification in the United States. Until there is, we need to rate each certification for their content. By reading the discussions on our site it becomes quite obvious which certs are good and which aren't.

- Katie

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