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Blamed for lack of Client Willpower

by Terry
(Leeds, Alabama, USA)

The absolute worst thing about being a personal trainer is getting blamed for clients not getting in shape fast enough. You do all you can, but all the client sees is that the weight is not going away, and their arms aren't toning up; but that couldn't have anything to do with the supersized big mac combos, apple pies and gallons of soda they 'reward' themselves with after their workouts.

You can only do what you can as a personal trainer, it is a teamwork thing although some clients don't want to acknowledge that. All I can do is suggest changes in diet, I can't follow them around all day, making sure they do what they need to do to make their goals a reality, yet sometimes they blame me.

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the least motivated are the ones that need it the most
by: Anonymous

People that are highly motivated will work out on their own without hiring a trainer. Lazy folks that need to hire trainers are the least motivated to follow their advice. Of course thats a generalization but thats how I feel.

by: Anonymous

When I first sign on a client I discuss with them the importance of good eating habits, consistency in the gym, and technique. If they don't have these they wont reach their goals.

Then I reiterate these while I am training them, asking them about what they ate,tweaking their form, and making sure they are working out between sessions with me.

If they come back to me and say they are not getting results, I will then explain that the pizza they ate two weeks ago didn't help and they realize, the responsibility is with them!

You need to put things straight
by: LC

You need to structure a good training plan(depending on the clients goal). If you make a calorie expenditure plan and you explain to them that you need to burn more than what you consume(to loose weight) they will feel subconscious and make some changes. On the other side there are people who have personal issues and don't like to accept their mistakes. You should tell them straight forward that if they want accomplish their goal they have put some work otherwise just stop training this annoying people.


I hear you Terry
by: Blaze

I dealt with a client where I offered nutritional advice. The client ubruptly said "I don't need any of that, I just want to train!" I also advised that she do cardio to further burn additional calories after our sessions. This particular client unfortunately would only do 5 mins of cardio and did not change the way they ate! That saying is sooo true. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

Not willing to commit to a diet and only want to train?
by: Tunachick

In recent past I have had the same "problem" with people coming in or calling and wanting to train with me because they have seen the results my clients have had. Hey, clients are walking bilboards. I don't train anyone anymore who doesn't want to do the work. If they aren't interested in doing my nutrition plans and train the way I lay it out for them, I tell them to hire someone who will be a better fit for them. I no longer take clients who aren't willing to work hard and more importantly, commit 100% to DIET and training. The diet is the missing link with most trainers. People never change because they don't want to change. It's 80% what they put in their mouth. If they aren't good advertisement for my business...I send them on their way.

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