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Choose the most conservative answer to Pass the ACE exam

Whatever you do, do not go with what you would do in the situation ....choose the most conservative and least legally liable option. This will give you the correct answer on the majority of the questions.

For example: "what is the depth at which I should have my clients squat to?"

A) to the floor ...hamstrings should touch calves (what I would do)

B) when thighs are parallel to floor (legal power lifting squat...again another good option).

C) never let client's knee joint close to less than a 90 degree angle (the picture in the book shows one of those wimpy 1/3 squats).

the correct answer is C. Pretty much go for the safest answer in every case.

In the dealing with clients section always take the most non-committal stance. i.e., "client comes in complaining of personal problems...should you offer advice?" correct answer: "no, you are not a certified mental health practitioner."

Also remember the different muscles in the rotator cuff and that fat has 9 calories per gram while protein and carbs has 4.

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ACE is a conservative organization
by: Katie - Admin

While I wouldn't necessarily choose answer A, I agree that ACE is going to take the safe answer most of the time. After all, if you are going to get ACE certified, and purchase the ACE supplied liability insurance, they have a business interest in ensuring that you are a safe and conservative trainer.

This is a good exam tip. Remember who wrote the exam and what their philosophy is. You can expect the exam to mirror their viewpoints.

- Katie

How long did you study?
by: Jen

Hopefully, your information will be helpful when I come to take the test. I have had college Anatomy and Physiology and I already know that this kind of study is intense and very detailed. I have been lifting and reading information related to the gym for about 15+ yrs. However, I am still intimidated by this test.

thats just dangerous
by: Anonymous

If you squat that far, that is absolutely horrible for your knees. Not only is that bad, you can actually ruin athletic careers by going that far on squats. Over stressing of the knees with squats is a career ruiner for vertical jumping. And is very harmful to old people and growing people. ***Editor's note: derogatory comment removed***

by: Anonymous

Although dangerous, for me (for example) as a college long jumper, there is a time and a place to use deep squats such as what he is referring to. I personally do them with only very light weight, and would never suggest a recreational lifter to try them. To handle these full range of motion lifts, you must have a solid strength base as well as nearly perfect form, or you are setting yourself up for disaster.

Liability insurance through ACE?
by: Rachel

Katie, you mentioned purchasing the ACE supplied liability insurance - is this what most people do, purchasing liability insurance through their cert organization? When does one purchase insurance - when you go out on your own, or just to work as an employee in a gym? Thanks.

Good Advice
by: John

This is very good advice i wish i remember that when i took the test this morning by the way i failed the test by only 4 questions! But I'm glad i failed the test because if i passed the test at bare minimum that would be a 65% on the test! i couldn't LIVE with that! But for all you guys that are looking at this test as a hard one remember this is one of the easiest test (in the NCCA group) and if you should be imitated at any test it should be the NSCA or the ACSM test cause that stuff goes really deep!

Squatting below parallel..and beyond
by: Paul

1/3 squats just don't cut it for me personally. There has been a lot of science behind the notion that squatting below parallel is not only more natural (look at indigenous tribes), but much more beneficial for an athlete because it allows for activation of the glutes and hamstrings (fast twitch). Are you kidding me, those squats you see on the ACE dvd are just plain sloppy. If I was brainwashed by an industry that rejects holistic health then maybe I'd agree that keeping my knees real close and bending them slightly is a safe method, when common sense and a basic understanding of human anatomy clearly demonstrate otherwise. Deep squats only become dangerous when form isn't properly taught and knees are over-exaggerated in the descent.

squat depth
by: Anonymous

In the ACE manual it says ideally the thighs should be parallel to the floor. Hmmm... i am taking the test next week and this concerns me

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