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Clients who roll their eyes, challenge, or question techniqes

by sarah j

It is so annoying to me when a client will come in with an article, or friend's advice, or what their "secretary's son's coach" said & ask me "well, what about this?"... are you kidding me? NO. I will not research the "master cleanse" diet for you, or encourage speed pills, & no, you will not be thin like your ectomorph friend just by walking because you "dont think you should have to work this hard"

I had a client once tell me she didnt think I was being "fair" to say that she had to workout more than twice/week to lose weight.
as if I made up the rules of her genetics, age, or the science of weightloss...
no, lady. I cant re-write science for you. all I can do is convey the information I know you need to make it WORK.

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Don't You Love It??
by: Jeff M

I love to laugh at these kinds of clients. I always tell them if all that "junk" worked you wouldn't be paying me because your "secretary's sons coaches advice, is free!" Sometimes clients need a reality check; the hard truths. Usually, these types of people know it all, already!!
I hope you just laugh it off! Another line I use is "If it was that easy everyone would be in tip top shape". Anyways, Have a good day!!

Just a friendly suggestion ^_^
by: Big Yunus

I'd suggest you fols check out janusian thinking. Then you won't complain about your clients, get irritated or laugh at them, just understanding how janusian thinking works alone will make your life give you huge discounts from successful marketing to leading.

What if you have had legitimate training from a qualified coach?
by: Will

I have had training at a sports performance center with a head coach who has trained many national elite athletes in Olympic what they have taught me is gospel...I have gotten into conflicts with trainers I have gone to when I train at another gym...trying to get me to squat differently or do pulls differently and what not.

Some gyms just let me train on my own and usually after performing a lift I get the green light as my form while far from picture perfect is somewhat competent. Its when they insist on me going to the beginner class is when the trouble begins.

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