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finding clients no gym will hire me because i have criminal past but nothing in last 5 years

by tony pushard
(augusta, maine)

I have 2 gyms in my area and both will not hire me due to either criminal background or they only have one trainer.I have asked planet fitness if i got the black card(benefit being that you can bring in another person in with you for free)if i could train my clients there and they said no cuz i would be stepping on there toes. I have put up a website and passed out/posted business cards and not one single call since june when i got certified.What do i do next?

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What to do... sticking to it.
by: Anonymous

Hello Tony,

Something is missing or needs to change and I know this to be true because I see the same difficulties happening to many others in a variety of life situations.

I follow a philosophy in life. There's a balance in nature represented by the "scales" and they need to be tipped in your favor in order to receive. This scale explains the meaning behind the phrase:

"we get back, what we put out"

And now is the time to change it all!

I often ask myself...
"have I been giving more than I am receiving?" "who is putting more on the scale? Nature or Me?" And my thoughts ...are they mostly positive or negative? And do I act only on my positive thoughts?

You can keep going to gyms and maybe try a different approach - tell the manager that you know of a fews ways in which you can improve his business.

Go into business for yourself. Find a partner and set-up your own gym.

Just think about what is important to "YOU", what you want and then decide what benefits make you stand out more than the gyms. Find out what the local gyms are offering and how you can provide a better personal training service to their clients because you really do care about people.

Collect all the information you can. Go to your local high schools, community centres, churches, clubs, firestations, police stations (yeah, police stations have gyms too). Anywhere and everywhere - just do it!

Change is nothing more than being in action and always in motion. The need for all of us to change never stops.

Let He who be without sin cast the first stone!
by: Christallin

Ignorant people make me irritated. If you have served your time, then you have paid your debt to society. The problem is not you, it's other judgmental people who are sinning themselves and projecting it on you. You get to be the scape goat.

I would not waste my time trying to get "hired" by these Pharisees. If you have the credentials certificate wise, then be an independent contractor. I'm sure your clients will not bother to perform a background check and if they do and decline your services because of your past, you do not need them.

Remain positive and encouraged; you are on the right track. You should try advertising in the smaller health and holistic medicine type magazines. These are inexpensive for both classified and display advertising. It is also a good idea to join a local chamber of commerce and offer free consultations/classes/workouts to the other members. Volunteer during any non-profit's health day/fair whatever. Set up booths at health fairs etc. Volunteer to lead the warm up for local charity runs. These are ways to be visible without having to pay for advertising. Do you go to church? Start a health and fitness ministry. You will do some free work but as you minister in fitness, the Lord will bless you with paying clients.

Whatever you do, don't give up. Think of creative solutions on how to gain clients. For example, I am the Health, Wellness, and Beauty Advisor at a local warehouse club. While I am giving out my advice, I have the opportunity to run across many potential clients who want to lose weight. So while I'm extoling the virtues of whey protein, I'm also offering to help them meet their fitness goals. See what I'm saying? You have to be your own cheerleader. And most of all PRAY for God to bless your sincere desire to help others. I'm praying for you brother.

Hiring a personal fitness trainer that has record
by: Anonymous

If I were to hire a personal trainer, I would want to know the criminal background. If there is 1 crime, dependant on the charge, I may still hire him...but if there is repeated charges dating back 20yrs, I would certainly be hesitant. Although ppl do their time, that doesn't necessarily mean they are a 'changed' person...especially if the same charges are repeated over a number of years...such as Domestic Violence, theft, etc.

You can and will do it!!
by: Anonymous

Try apartment complexes that have onsite gyms. Most apartment complexes have mailbox centers and poster boards where you could leave flyer's or business cards. Many of the gyms in complexes don't have staff or trainers. Just catch one good client, get them in great shape, and have them spread the word. Also you could start a group training or bootcamp class at any local outdoor park.

let go because of backgroung check
by: Anonymous

I was hired then let go after a background check, did time 17 years ago .I'm well qualified with 14 years experience. I'm having a hard time finding a job in my field

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