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Help Getting Personal Training Clients

by Emerson

Hi, I am a part time Personal Trainer but I haven't had much luck with getting new clients. I only have two and one consistent but would love to expand my client base.

Would anyone be kind enough to share some ideas on how I can expand my client base. I am not certified in Personal Training but I have extensive training in Martial Arts having competed at national level and still teaching.

Any ideas and thoughts would be so greatly appreciated.

Thanks for all the help and advice.


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Get certified!
by: Amanda

Hi Emerson,

For your own good, I wouldn't touch another client until you get properly certified and obtain professional liability insurance. If any of your clients, present or future, were to get injured as a result of your programming - whether or not you are in the wrong - you could lose everything if they sued you.


pt clients
by: Tony

If the style you teach in martial arts has certified you, then get malpractice insurance to cover you if someone gets injured. Also have a waiver of liability signed for your proctection. I am certified but also i have a masters affiliated with NASM who is partnered with the school i did it at. like you i am a martial artist, boxer, but also a former Marine. Drawing on my physical experience makes it easy to talk to people about fitness. To attract more clients, i have a facebook, myspace,, myspace classifieds,, merchant,, and a few other sites i can think of right now with adds telling people who i am. anywhere you can advertise online for free i try to find them. i also blog only about fitness on myspace but i am finding other fitness blogging sites out the for free. maximize your time online with sites like these. i have shirts made from, which also gives free business cards and everyone i even slightly talk to i hand them a card and introduce myself. it was not until i made this apart of my daily routine that i saw a change.

I use a newsletter to help attract clients.
by: Anonymous

I think an email newsletter is a great way to remind people of my services and expand my business. I started to play around with creating my own, but realized it was too much of a time commitment. I know use this service from Treadwell Solutions, they do all the work for me and have reports on how well my newsletter is succeeding. So far, I have had great results. Here is the website if you are interested:

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