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just passed ACSM 3/1/2012

(Atlanta, Georgia)

I dont usually write out comments on websites but I personally felt this was a must. I just passed my ACSM CPT test today 3/1/2012. I must say this test is insanely hard but doable. I must give a majority of my credit for passing to this website and its practice tests. To anyone who is debating on paying the $30 for this websites tests. DONT! Take it from me firsthand, this websites practice exams/tests helped me tremendously. I have been studying the material from the ACSM website for months when I decided to purchase the tests from this site and I remember more questions being on the exam from this website than the ACSM study guide. Some things I do remember:

-Know BMI. (everything from how to calculate to range of obesity)
-Know sit and reach test and scores,
-Muscle actions while running( eccentric , concentric)
-Rotator cuff muscles
-Risk stratisfaction(at least 15-20 questions on this) know it well!
-Behavior models. Actually quite a few questions on this. more than i anticipated
-Planes of the body. What plane does a lunge occur in etc...
-Only a few questions on muscles. Kinda sad since i studied muscle groups etc.
-Know how to calculate THR HRM HRR. And actually know the formulas. 2 questions asking what the actual formula was. 220-Age Etc

I can only remember a few of the items but overall my best advice is to purchase the tests from this site. Trust me the $30 is worth it because this test is no joke. It is extremely hard but with the tests from this site it is highly doable!


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by: Anonymous

did you use the books from ACSM website as well to prepare and if so are they worth buying or would it be better off to purchase the practice questions from this website? I took the NSCA cpt and failed by 10 questions, i would apprecaite the help.

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