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AAFA Group Fitness Certification

by CMR
(Plano, TX)

I am thinking about entering the fitness industry as a group fitness instructor. However, I have yet to decide my specialty. Can anyone provide me information on the following:

1. Is AAFA the best certification for group fitness?

2. What specific exercises can I teach if I do take AAFA's "Primary Group Exercise Certification".

3. Any suggestions on what are today's popular group fitness classes?

4. What is my best way of gaining experience in group fitness?

Thank you for any advice anyone can provide.


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Group fitness certification
by: Amanda

Hello I am Amanda and I have Afaa primary group certification. I would say it is the best way to get started. Afaa is known by all and is accepted by all. There are certifications that some businesses will not except. Like online certifications. With just this certification you can teach many classes. Step class, cycling, boot camp, muscle strengthening classes, and much more. Some businesses require you to be certified in certain classes to teach them. Its all on what the company wants. To start get your primary, start taking the classes, offer to substitute for the instructor, and before you know it you will have your own class:) Popular classes are cycling, step, zumba, kettlebells, yoga, pilates and much more. U can gain experience by taking the class. Tell the instructor you want to become an instructor. A lot of people are willing to help you. There are some that don't but those are probably the instructors you wouldn't want to learn from anyways.Hope this helps good luck:)

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