Choose the most conservative answer to Pass the ACE exam
Whatever you do, do not go with what you would do in the situation ....choose the most conservative and least legally liable option. This will give you the correct answer on the majority of the questions.
For example: "what is the depth at which I should have my clients squat to?"
A) to the floor ...hamstrings should touch calves (what I would do)
B) when thighs are parallel to floor (legal power lifting squat...again another good option).
C) never let client's knee joint close to less than a 90 degree angle (the picture in the book shows one of those wimpy 1/3 squats).
the correct answer is C. Pretty much go for the safest answer in every case.
In the dealing with clients section always take the most non-committal stance. i.e., "client comes in complaining of personal problems...should you offer advice?" correct answer: "no, you are not a certified mental health practitioner."
Also remember the different muscles in the rotator cuff and that fat has 9 calories per gram while protein and carbs has 4.