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Fitness Coaching

by Brian

I am working on becoming a Certified Personal Trainer but it's taking some time. My trainer says that I can coach fitness classes without being certified as long as I have everyone sign a waiver stating that they are aware of the possibility of injury, that signing the waiver states that they/their family will not pursue legal actions against the coach and that they are aware that I am not a certified trainer. My question is; is that enough? I've read a lot about this (I'm not going to blindly jump into something that could potentially get me into trouble) and there seems to be a divide there... some people say that a waiver is fine especially if you are fully open with the people and are not "training" them but just doing a workout and they're following along. Others say that it doesn't matter what they sign, they can still sue you if they hurt themselves... What do I need to know here? is there anyway to accomplish a coaching type setup without certification and insurance?

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by: Katie

If you have any assets at all, training without insurance is stupid. You can't get insurance without certification.

Certification doesn't take that long. Don't take short cuts that can ruin your life (and potentially harm somebody else's life too... you don't know what you don't know until you start learning how to train properly).


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