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NASM Textbook Versions

by Nora Mayers
(Centreville, MD)

I am ACE certified and am now studying for the NASM (frankly, I see little to no difference in the materials, despite how I've been hearing that NASM is a superior far, I don't see it!). My question is this: I recently purcased the 2007 book on Ebay, but called NASM to make sure it was up to date. I was dismayed because they said it was not (paid $200.00 for the book). They said that they have streamlined their OPT program and the text. Can anyone who has seen both confirm, and would you say you can pass the exam even though studying the older book?

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nasm textbook versions
by: Anonymous

i am currently studying for the NASM certiication. a friend gave me an older version after i bought the newest version. i did not read both books, but in looking through the older version it appears to be only a difference in updated pictures and layout, with little difference in content. the table of contents are the same, with small title changes. having said that, i'm reading the new version since i paid for it.

NASM textbook....newer different than old
by: Anonymous

Actually, the newer version has an updated OPT system. They have streamlined it so it is not entirely like the older version.

Can you pass the current exam using the old one...I don't know but you would definitely need to be up on their newer system structure.

Hope this helps.

buy the new book
by: Anonymous

You have to buy it because you get asked abou t the concepts if nasm and what they require

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