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Need help getting clients

by Eli

I’ve been a personal training now for about 4 months with 12 years of Navy under my belt. Got my certification, have my LLC.(company name) have my logo. Have car magnets, cards, brochures, newspaper ads, even joined a networking group also. Only have 4 clients thru friends and family. I think I have great values to my business with custom workout plans and meal planning. But still not making the phone ring. What is the best way to go about gaining more clients at this time?

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Be A 'Personable Trainer'
by: Paul D'Arcy

Hi Eli,

It's slow going, isn't it?
You would expect people to beat a path to your door.

The thing is, personal training is just as the name's Personal.

This is a personal business. People typically don't hire a personal trainer the way they do a plumber or a landscaper.

Folks need to get to know you -feel comfortable with you. And the only way that's going to happen is if you are out and about...meeting people.

Just start helping people. Do what you love to do and it will show through. People will see that you're sincere and enthusiastic and they'll want to be a part of that.

All the certifications and experience in the world won't make people like you or feel comfortable around you.

Give first...then be prepared to receive in abundance.

Best wishes,


Paul D'Arcy

Getting Clients
by: Jeff Moore

One of the best way to gain clients as a fairly new trainer is to work for a club or YMCA. The wages are not the best; BUT they do provide clients, insurance and advertising and a place to train clients. It's all about relationships and getting to know people. Teach some classes at the gym or Y ,its an easy way to get to know people, and for them to learn about you. It gives people a chance to learn about you and your skills; in a semi public environment. Trust me, this will work! It's how I got started. I went months without clients until I did this. Most of the people in classes are friends and talk. Land one of them and your good to go! Good Luck with your business

YMCA Group Exercise Instructor

Make the Dough Flow!
by: Blaze

Since you have your LLC you can make T-shirts with your business name to give to your clients to wear as walking billborads. Make some pink ones for the ladies and donate the proceeds to cancer research. (you gotta give to get is my motto!) You can give a free training session for every signed client that your clients refer to you. Place a business card in grocery store on the shelves in the isle where they have cakes and pies. The bottom line is that it will take a little time to get you rep and name out there but if you constantly look for ways to give to your clients and community the dough will flow!

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